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Saving Dogs 4 Paws at a Time is a Foster-based, 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization. This means that any contribution or donation made to us is tax-deductible. We depend on the generosity of our friends to allow us to help dogs who need to be saved.
There are many different ways you can volunteer to help us and help our rescued dogs. Any skills you have can be put to work in the interest of our animals, such as photography, dog training, fund raising, transportation, crafts, baking, carpentry and many more. If you have a skill, it can probably be used to help. Any donations you can make are greatly appreciated: blanket, puppy pads, cleaning supplies, paper towels, treats, worming and flea medications, leashes & collars, food, bowls, dog houses, kennels, and ... the list goes on. Look around your house. Think about items you no longer have a use for. Maybe they can be used to help rescues at Saving Dogs 4 Paws at a Time.
Attend our adoption and fund raising events: We can always use help handling the dogs we bring to these events and always have a need for items we can give to the people who visit our events.
Help us get the word out: Like and follow us on Facebook. Whenever we put a post up on Facebook, share it with your friends. Share our website, tell your friends and family about us and any events we have coming up. We all have friends who are dog lovers. Let them know that we are here and that we save lives. If you know anybody who is considering adding a new dog to their family, ask them to check with Saving Dogs 4 Paws at a Time. There is a good chance that one of our rescued dogs is the perfect fit!
Transportation: Help us take our dogs to the vet, deliver and pick up for other rescue organizations, deliver supplies to foster families and so forth. Your mileage is tax deductible!
Spay or Neuter all of your pets.
Amazon Smile and Wish List
Everybody shops at Amazon.com. Did you know that you can shop at Amazon AND make a donation to Saving Dogs 4 Paws at A Time Rescue, and it won't cost you anything? All you have to do is type smile.amazon.com into your browser, select Saving Dogs 4 Paws at a Time as the charity you want to support and shop as normal. You won't see any difference in your shopping experience, you still get all of your Prime benefits if you are a Prime member and there is absolutely no cost to you! Every time you use Amazon Smile for your shopping, our Rescue receives a donation of .5% of your purchase. Again, this is a donation FROM Amazon, in your name and it does not add to your Amazon bill. So next time you go online to shop, do it from Amazon Smile. There is absolutely NO reason not to! Thanks!