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Every dog deserves a good home and loving people to give him or her a happy, healthy and safe life. We are proud of our ability to match dogs with forever families, and always strive to find the best fit for our rescued dogs. The welfare and best interest of our dogs ALWAYS takes top priority when we match them with potential adopters.
The process to adopt our rescued dogs is as follows:
Complete an online adoption form (see bottom of this page).
We will review your application. We do contact your vet references to see how you have treated your pets in the past. In addition, if you do not own your home, we will make contact with your landlord.
We will contact you to advise you on the status of your application and to request clarification of your application, if necessary. We will most likely contact you via email, so please make sure your email client will accept mail from @savingdogsrescue.com. Also check your spam folder if you haven't heard from us within a few days.
Following the review and approval of your adoption application, we will schedule a home visit. The purpose of this visit is to ensure that the rescued dog will have a good environment and caring family to spend his/her life with.
Once the home visit is completed, we will set up a meet and greet with your family and the rescued dog. We suggest that this be done at a neutral location, such as a park or our shelter facility. You will be asked to bring family members with you as well as pets that you already have. You will have time and opportunity to make sure everybody gets along and your expectations with this dog can be met.
Upon satisfactory completion of the above steps, the dog will be offered for adoption. An appointment will be made for the adoption. During the appointment, necessary paperwork will be completed, you will pay the adoption fee and ownership will then be transferred to you.
After the adoption:
Please keep in mind that a major change has just taken place in your new family member's life. He/she does not know that he is now part of your family. He will need time to adjust to his new life and to become familiar with you and your family. Some dogs adjust quickly while others take
more time. Show lots of patience and always make the dog feel loved and wanted. Also know that
Saving Dogs 4 Paws at a Time is always available to you if you need help with integrating your adopted dog into his new life. Feel free to contact us any time you have questions, concerns or need help resolving any issues.