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Spay Neuter Incentive Program
We can provide you with financial assistance to spay or neuter your dog or cat.
Beginning at 6 or 8 months of age, a female can produce 2 litters of 6-10 puppies every year.
And the females in those litters will do the same.
The result: One female dog can be responsible for offspring totaling TENS OF THOUSANDS of puppies throughout her life.

Why Spay or Neuter?
The importance of spaying or neutering:
Reduction of the number of unwanted, homeless, stray and abandoned dogs.
Health benefits to both males and females
They live longer, healthier lives
Decrease in uterine infections and breast tumors in females
Males: Prevention of testicular cancer and some prostate problems.
Behavioral benefits
Males are less likely to roam, reducing the chances of getting hit by a car or fighting with other males.
Less likely to mark territory, including inside the house.
Aggression can be reduced by neutering.
How it works:
You must be a resident of Randolph County to participate.
You must have a family income of less than $50,000.
Your most recent 1040 form must be included with your application.
Attach a good, clear picture of your pet to the application.
You will receive an email from Saving Dogs Rescue accepting your pet into SNIP. This email will state the cost to you for the SNIP Voucher and instructions for paying for the voucher and how to redeem it.
Important Changes to our SNIP Spay Neuter Incentive Program
We are now offering our program year round as funds allow. If you would like to participate in the SNIP Program, please note the following instructions:
Go to www.savingdogsrescue.com and complete the SNIP Application. The application will be available year round as funds allow. All fields on the form must be completed.
Upload good clear pictures of your pet. https://www.savingdogsrescue.com/training will give you tips on creating good pet photos.
Upload a copy of your most recent 1040 Income Tax form. Make sure you black out Social Security Numbers before uploading. We can not be liable for any information provided, but we will not retaining this information, nor use it for any other purpose, now or in the future. Your Tax information will be deleted from our system once your qualification for SNIP has been established.
Saving Dogs Rescue will review your application and approve or disapprove it based on established income guidelines.
We will send you an email stating the amount you will need to pay for the procedure.
You will pay via invoice from PayPal. Payment may be made with your debit card or PayPal account, and must be received in full before appointment will be scheduled.
When you have paid in full you will receive and email confirmation of payment and your appointment will be scheduled with the veterinarian you selected.
Please note that vets charge for the Spay/Neuter based on sex and weight of the animal. If your animals weight on the vet's scale is different from the weight you submitted, the vet's weight will be used to determine the cost of the procedure. You will be responsible for any difference in cost at the time of the appointment and must be paid in full before services are rendered.
If you have any questions, please send an email to becky@savingdogsrescue.com.
Each vet Service has its own chart of fees for services it offers, including spays and neuters. Prices vary depending on the species (dog/cat), sex, and weight of the animal. The SNIP Voucher you purchase will be for an amount that takes all of this into consideration, as well as your income. This is a low income/low cost program designed to help those families who need a financial boost in order to get their pets spayed or neutered.
For a family earning more than $50,000 per year, SNIP is not available. For families earning under $50,000, your voucher cost will be either 50% or 75% of the veterinarian fee for the appropriate spay/neuter procedure. Saving Dogs 4 Paws at a Time will make up the difference between what your pay for the voucher and what the vet charges for the procedure
Please note that this service is provided at a discounted rate to the tescue for the cets to aid in the spaying and neutering of your pet. Actual walk in appointments at the vet for individuals without a voucher will be at a higher rate.
Participating Veterinarians
Green Hills Veterinary Clinic Sugar Creek Veterinary Services Spay neuter Project
1709 East Urbandale Drive 1000 US 24 206 Austin Avenue
Moberly, MO. 65270 Moberly, MO. 65270 Columbia, MO. 65270
660-263-9797 660-263-2636 573-397-6443